Tag: Buy Email List

Google has been the most dominant search vertical in Canada and others

Were just not profitable enough to spend much time on. However, with the growth of voice assistants, internet-enabled devices. E-commerce and digital tv there are many new verticals that will see significant growth in advertising in the coming years. Focusing part of your digital marketing efforts on these emerging and/or growing verticals will be a […]

HTTP has been continually emphasized by SERP

Google through both changes in the SERP display and messaging in Google Ads. The good news here is that old adage about content remains true; write long-form, authoritative and informative content and your website should be rewarded in the search results. However, as people grow warier of giving up personal data online, we also expect […]

While the focus on transitioning to HTTPS

Bing Places, Apple Maps, and local directories. Understand your audience and target them where they are SEO is not just about traffic anymore In the last year, we have seen a tremendous expansion of what we call “position-zero” search results. Google answer boxes, Google Business Profile listings, the knowledge graph, recipes, reviews, and information carousels […]

Google’s PPC algorithms are making things harder, not easier

Legal Stuff With GDPR coming into force and the Cambridge Analytica scandal at Facebook. We have seen some significant changes in data policy at both platforms. Despite their efforts, both Facebook and Google are fighting significant legal battles in the realm of privacy protections. This saga will definitely continue in 2019 Other things of note […]

Digital Marketing Trends we are Watching

Well, 2019 is off to a fast-paced start around the office, as we have been strategizing and positioning our clients to have exceptional success with digital marketing in 2019. We have been thinking about our 2019 predictions for a few weeks now but forgive us – we finally have just found the time to put […]

B2B e-commerce is growing at an alarming rate as buyers

Increasingly compelled by wide selection, price transparency, quick response to orders and offers like free shipping. Impatient. Buyers crave immediate access to information, and your company website should provide nothing less. A study by Google found that over half of visits are abandone if a website takes longer than 3 seconds to load. What Your […]

Google Partners Connect: B2B in the Age of Assistance

Ontario SEO hosted a live broadcast of the latest Google Partners Connect event, B2B in the Age of Assistance. Business owners and advertisers tuned in to Wednesday’s live stream featuring speakers Dennis Cardoso and Sarah Coe from Google. They shed light on some of the latest trends in B2B commerce and how we can leverage […]

Keep in mind, this number does not allocate a dime for digital ad spending

So, if you want to boost posts or advertise on the Googles, you will need loosen the purse strings a little bit more. If you were to invest that salary into an external SEO agency, you could expect to get a lot of bang for your buck. With average monthly SEO costs from an agency […]

SEO Agency vs. In-House SEO: What’s the difference?

Hiring an SEO Agency vs. In-House SEO Specialist How do you decide which will enhance your odds of achieving worldwide (web) domination? There comes a time in most businesses where they need to decide if it makes sense to hire an search engine optimization specialist or outsource their SEO efforts to an agency. We could […]

Does Google Analytics violate GDPR regulations?

Google Analytics has been a boon to businesses around the world to help them better understand.  How people use their websites. However, a recent decision in Austria from the Data Protection Authority (DPA) may ultimately put the use of.  Google Analytics in jeopardy. What privacy issues were identified by the Austrian DPA? The Austrian DPA […]

LinkedIn Introducing Group Identity Targeting Option

LinkedIn has now introduce Group Identity Targeting options for advertisers to hone who sees their ads. Group Identity targeting uses first-party data (information that has been provide by users) offering many advantages as third-party cookies are phase out in the coming year. What is LinkedIn “Group Identity” targeting? As the name suggests, LinkedIn advertising is […]

When the right digital marketing strategies are implemented

Happen aka Love Happens Conversions can be viewed as successful digital marketing connections. It means that whatever your strategy or tactics are, you are seeing real results and leads. Conversions can be anything from email signups, form completions, phone calls. Sales, or registrations, and if properly executed, it could mean long-term growth for your business. […]