Digital Marketing Trends we are Watching

Well, 2019 is off to a fast-paced start around the office, as we have been strategizing and positioning our clients to have exceptional success with digital marketing in 2019. We have been thinking about our 2019 predictions for a few weeks now but forgive us – we finally have just found the time to put pen to paper.  Before we jump into our ideas for 2019, let’s review what happened in digital marketing in 2018. If you missed that blog you can check out our. Digital Marketing Trends to Watch Digital Marketing Trends 2018 Recap Site Speed no really, it is probably still too slow! Do a test and see how your website stacks up next to your customer expectations.

Page Speed Insights Content

Context & Relevance We saw many significant Google algorithm updates in 2018 that make context and relevance in your content more important than ever. Position Zero As we predicted position zero has been taking up more and more space in the Google search results. We have achieved some wins for our clients, but we also have had some losses too VP Purchasing Officer Email Lists as answer boxes usurp their long-held search positions. We are keeping a watchful eye on Google’s continued attempts to keep users on their platforms, not our websites. Voice Search Every. Predicted voice search would be a game changer in 2018 (except us of course). While voice queries are certainly growing, we haven’t seen any significant impact in organic traffic from this shift yet.


C Level Executive List

Facebook Ads The ups and downs of

Facebook the company had little effect on the success we saw with Facebook ads this year (although we have lost some pretty nifty targeting options). We look forward to continuing to grow our success in the coming year. Amazon Ads Not much on our radar in 2018 (primarily because of our client base), but Amazon ads are definitely of growing  GN Lists importance in e-commerce segments, particularly in the US Video As with video in 2017, in 2018 video worked. Machine Learning & Automation We were pretty bang-on with our predictions here. We saw many changes in automation in Google Ads last year, however, most of the experiments we have done with automated bidding have delivered results that still compare poorly to our manually run campaigns.

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