Google Partners Connect: B2B in the Age of Assistance

Ontario SEO hosted a live broadcast of the latest Google Partners Connect event, B2B in the Age of Assistance. Business owners and advertisers tuned in to Wednesday’s live stream featuring speakers Dennis Cardoso and Sarah Coe from Google. They shed light on some of the latest trends in B2B commerce and how we can leverage these to provide a better online experience for our customers. Digital Marketing in the Age of Assistance: Google Partners Connect Session November 14th, 2018 The Challenge of B2B Marketing There’s no denying it – compared to B2C, it’s tough to advertise in the B2B space. It’s highly competitive, with longer sales cycles, multiple decision-makers and often a high cost per lead.

The New Business Buyer

We face the challenge of promoting niche products and services to the right people. At the right time, without wasting valuable advertising dollars. Challenges of B2B Marketing Provide Frictionless. Solutions to Potential Clients Faced Chief VP Sales Marketing Officers Email Lists with these challenges, success depends on anticipating the needs and wants of your potential buyers. Ideally, the customer experience should be seamless and frictionless. From the first interaction with your brand, throughout the entire purchasing process and even after the sale is made. Dennis said it well in the live broadcast. Not only are you competing against the experiences provided by your competitors, you’re competing against the best experience a user has ever had.


C Level Executive List

The inherent difficulty of marketing

It’s critical to understand and exceed the expectations of your potential customers. Else you risk losing them early in their consideration. To business buyers is compounded by the fact that their expectations are changing. More than ever, today’s business buyers are: Curious. They’re spending more time online and growing used to having information GN Lists at their fingertips. And while they’re seeking more information about products and services, 68% of buyers prefer to research on their own before reaching out to a company. In fact, almost 50% of today’s B2B transactions occur without the involvement of a sales rep. Demanding. Just like B2C customers, business buyers spend time evaluating competing.

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