HTTP has been continually emphasized by SERP

Google through both changes in the SERP display and messaging in Google Ads. The good news here is that old adage about content remains true; write long-form, authoritative and informative content and your website should be rewarded in the search results. However, as people grow warier of giving up personal data online, we also expect to see an increase in gated content as companies put up more walls to protect their user data. Websites that fail to “EAT” will almost certainly see negative effects in 2019. Invest in Seamless Online users have higher expectations than ever and will not tolerate loading delays (some studies suggest 3 seconds or less!) or frustrating website interfaces.

Expand your digital horizons with vertical

In 2019, your focus should certainly be on creating a seamless online experience for your customers. While we hope we have already convinced you to invest in website speed (this will be even more critical in 2019), also consider your website experience and ways you can shorten your conversion process. Many companies are finding innovative VP Engineering Email Lists ways to leverage Chatbots, Facebook Messenger and Google Actions to make customer experiences more seamless. Invest in seamless customer experiences such as chatbots Google Business Profile is your best chance for local success The functionality of Google Business Profile (GBP) expanded significantly in 2018.


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Expand your digital horizons with vertical search

GBP listings now consume the majority of the first screen on mobile devices. Are certainly syphoning traffic from the traditional organic search results. In 2019 we will be working to leverage all the new features available in GBP; book & buy now buttons, posts, Q&A section. Direct messaging to the business. We will be carefully measuring GN Lists which features are beneficial, and which features fail to drive additional leads. As a result of the expansion of GBP functionality directly in Google. Many websites will see decreased organic traffic to their websites. As more people find the information they need directly in Google. Our challenge as digital marketers is to find a reliable way to measure and report on this growing digital channel.

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