B2B e-commerce is growing at an alarming rate as buyers

Increasingly compelled by wide selection, price transparency, quick response to orders and offers like free shipping. Impatient. Buyers crave immediate access to information, and your company website should provide nothing less. A study by Google found that over half of visits are abandone if a website takes longer than 3 seconds to load. What Your Business Website Needs To appeal to the new business buyer, your company’s website should: Be transparent, providing informative content that’s accessible anytime, from anywhere Provide buyers with more control over the purchasing process helps to better qualify your inbound leads.

B2B Business and Mobile Websites

Doing so will free up time for your sales team so they can nurture the ones that are most likely to become customers. The Path to Purchase As buyer expectations evolve, their purchasing behaviour is also changing. Did you know that business buyers complete an average of 12 searches before they convert? The research process typically VP Business Development Email List starts on mobile but can span across two or more devices, including tablet, desktop and other assistants. Mobile generates almost half of revenue for B2B leaders, but it’s often underestimated since its influence occurs earlier in the process, long before a conversion takes place. This creates another challenge for marketers – how can we accurately measure the impact of our efforts when the path to purchase is so complex.


C Level Executive List

Mobile Generates Almost

Half of Revenue for B2B Leaders Google Ads & Analytics for B2B.  Google is helping to connect the dots with new features such as cross-device reporting. Which uses data from Google products to track individual touchpoints back to a GN Lists single user. There are also a variety of attribution models available in Google Ads and Google Analytics. So you can choose the one that aligns best with your business goals and your customers’ path to purchase. If you’re interested in learning more, you can watch the entire Google Partners broadcast here.  Looking to grow your B2B business online? Contact Ontario SEO to get started. Our team will help you to implement data-driven solutions and provide a better online experience for your B2B customers.

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