Google’s PPC algorithms are making things harder, not easier

Legal Stuff With GDPR coming into force and the Cambridge Analytica scandal at Facebook. We have seen some significant changes in data policy at both platforms. Despite their efforts, both Facebook and Google are fighting significant legal battles in the realm of privacy protections. This saga will definitely continue in 2019 Other things of note in 2018.  Some aggressive algorithm updates (“Speed” and “Medic”) had some significant effects on some service-based clients. Particularly in the legal and medical professions Google AdWords was rebranded ad Google Ads (and we are all struggling to reprogram our brains) Facebook updated their news feed algorithm, effectively killing organic Facebook traffic for the majority of local business Google+ finally died, replaced by its shiny cousin.

Google My Business now called Google

Digital Marketing Trends for 2019 Understand your Audience and target them where they are Understanding who your audience is and how to reach them online is becoming more important than ever. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are exponentially expanding the possibilities for both understanding and reaching your VP Communications Officer Email Lists target audience. But that also means that your digital marketing strategy has to be multi-channel and comprehensive to ensure you are not missing an audience your competitors are capturing. Audience targeting capabilities in Google Ads and Facebook expanded significantly in 2018, and we expect to see this trend continue.


C Level Executive List

Data from mobile devices makes

It possible to distinguish between active and passive search behaviour. An example of active search is someone looking to make a purchase right now. While an example of passive search would be someone doing research. As the search engines learn to distinguish between active and passive searchers, algorithms will be able to predict GN Lists intent like never before. Voice search is also helping to clarify user intent, as people use longer more detailed queries (when compared to search). As our ability to target specific audiences with specific intent increases, so will the importance of ensuring your local SEO and PPC efforts are targeted to the right locations. We predict continued growth of “near-me” queries and a growing dependence on Google Business Profile in 2019.

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