While the focus on transitioning to HTTPS

Bing Places, Apple Maps, and local directories. Understand your audience and target them where they are SEO is not just about traffic anymore In the last year, we have seen a tremendous expansion of what we call “position-zero” search results. Google answer boxes, Google Business Profile listings, the knowledge graph, recipes, reviews, and information carousels have pushed the organic search results further and further down the page. This litany of options to click on is certainly having a negative impact on the amount of traffic driven to websites by users clicking on the organic search results, as more and more people find what they are looking for on the search results page.

This litany of options to click

This is further exacerbated by those “view more”, “people also search for” and “check availability” options that will send your traffic straight to your competitors. However, all of these new features also represent a tremendous opportunity to claim additional real estate on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). SEO is now more important VP Media Email Lists than ever if you expect to be visible in the many places that Google can choose to display your business. At Ontario SEO, have a competitive edge in that we have been deploying the schema and content structure required to achieve visibility in Position Zero for several years now. We predict SEO success in 2019 will be all about using solid SEO tactics to ensure your website has as much visibility in the search results as possible.


C Level Executive List

Google is expanding its efforts

Examples of position zero search results EAT: Expertise, Authority. Trustworthiness In a world of “fake news”, election tampering and constant data breaches. Trust is becoming an important component of both social and search ranking algorithms. With the growth in personalization capability. More than ever in 2019, users will have to decide GN Lists between privacy and enhanced customer experiences. For social media marketing, EAT takes the form of maintaining a consistent brand presence, avoiding misleading advertising, and having a strong website to compliment your social media efforts. Google is expanding its efforts to protect your personal data online. Several Google algorithm updates in 2018 focused on intensifying its ability to evaluate the expertise and authority of content.

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