Tag: category email list

Link Harvesting through Email A Data-Driven Study

Of course you will have casualties and that will be a very good sign. A good email causes cancellations and sales. But rest assured that there will be people who not only will not be overwhelmed, they will be looking forward to receiving your daily email. Not everyone will like you, nor does they need […]

How to use analytics to improve the positioning of channels on YouTube

Rubén Loan , youtuber and ambassador of Notion , has been the star guest in the new installment of the Flat 101 podcast , in which he has been able to reflect and offer very useful advice in relation to data measurement on the well-known audiovisual creation platform. . Rubén has a YouTube channel with […]

Collection and organization of data

If you have done your homework in the previous step, you will now find yourself with three lists of possible competitors, although, most normally, there are coincidences between them. [piopialo]An organic competitor that is also a competitor on Instagram and that in turn is followed by your followers.[/piopialo] You’re lucky. That type of competitor has […]

Leading the Product Evolution

In addition to telling us how users search for our. Leading the products, search volumes, etc., it is crucial to determine the web. Architecture of our project and in this project it was the key to increasing its turnover. In this case my question was the following: If before you had a certain. Traffic and […]