Collection and organization of data

If you have done your homework in the previous step, you will now find yourself with three lists of possible competitors, although, most normally, there are coincidences between them. [piopialo]An organic competitor that is also a competitor on Instagram and that in turn is followed by your followers.[/piopialo] You’re lucky. That type of competitor has to top your list of competitors. Write down the matching competitors on all three lists first Keep writing down the ones that have at least two matches. Don’t eliminate the rest, they may surprise you.

Comprehensive data analysis on Instagram

There are tools to dump all the data collected and obtain Instagram metrics without having to go profile by profile. In this case I used Metricool category email list and its competitor analysis on Instagram , which is because you know I love the tool, the result is this: Case of study real beachmark Instagram: Shoe Marketplace In this case I have listed 7 competitors, but the Premium functionality allows you to analyze up to 100 accounts at a time. we select 7 accounts Well, we have collected data from the shoe marketplaces with the most influence on Instagram and thus obtained results from: Number of followers People they follow Published content Likes received Comments Engagement With this functionality we can group the results by the value we want and thus see which accounts really work best on Instagram.

Data interpretation and conclusion

Now comes the moment of truth. Bring out the analyst spirit that you have inside, put on a white . Coat (although a purple one would be better), nerdy glasses and one of those pocket pens… bring out the analyst inside you Engagement If we analyze the results obtained in this Benchmark we see that when grouping by engagement the accounts that perform best are not those. With the most followers or the most publications per month . They are the accounts that get the most interaction: comments and GN Lists likes. Conclusion regarding engagement: To generate engagement with the audience on . IInstagram, in this sector, it is not necessary to have the largest number of followers or publish a lot of content. To generate “love”, it is necessary to create conversation. It is important to write . Down the possible hypotheses that you consider when interpreting data for the final analysis of your competitors on Instagram.

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