Leading the Product Evolution

In addition to telling us how users search for our. Leading the products, search volumes, etc., it is crucial to determine the web. Architecture of our project and in this project it was the key to increasing its turnover. In this case my question was the following: If before you had a certain. Traffic and now you don’t, what were the keywords. For which you previously positioned? For this, what. I did was go directly to Google Search Console. I entered the date range in which the website had the most traffic. For the project and I looked at the queries. That had the most clicks and impressions. These keywords not only helped me to know. But I was also able to find the seed keywords that.

Website that takes a kind of Leading the snapshot of domains

I was going to rely on to carry out more in-depth keyword category email list research . When carrying out keyword research, I found many derived words in which it was observed that the user also made more precise searches, such as a certain color. This led me to define a deeper web architecture that was not previously being targeted. For this step I used archive a website that takes a kind of snapshot of domains throughout different moments of their life. But I will talk to you in more depth about the web architecture below. Step 3 – Web Architecture We must keep in mind that with web architecture or information architecture we are going to define the path, relevance.

Hundreds of products hung directly from the main category

URLs that we are going to use in our GN Lists projects . Before going into it in depth, I’m going to give you an example of how they had left the architecture after the change (the migration). As you can see, there are no subcategories. Hundreds of products hung directly from the main category. Therefore, the first thing I did was define the subcategories of each category based on the keyword research carried out previously. With this, not only was the crawling budget optimized by reducing those huge pages, but we began to attack many more search intentions that were not being attacked before.

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