Later this year they will be rolled-out world-wide

Google Travel A new hub focused on travel bookings where users can explore trip ideas. Things to do, book flights & hotels, and read reviews. Increased focus on data privacy.  Advertisers were cautioned in the growing climate of data protection that some data will be lost as users are provided with more options to opt out of ad personalization. Marketing Live Google is positioning itself for a big year. Announcing a number of products that are clearly designed to regain some of the ground that has been lost to Facebook and Amazon in the past years. Google Takes on Amazon The new features in Google Shopping ads. As well as the announcement of Google’s own shopping platform take direct aim at Amazon’s growing dominance in the ecommerce sector.

Our Key Takeaways from Google

As the battle of the home assistants continues. Google must keep pace with Alexa’s built-in purchasing power if it wants to keep a foothold in the ecommerce sector. We are excited to see what new advertising possibilities may arise from this new VP Audit Email Lists platform (such as buying directly from a search ad or YouTube video). It seems promising that Google will allow purchases directly from retailer websites without taking a 15-30% cut of sales (as Amazon does). Google’s New product announcements to take on Amazon in the ecommerce sector Google vs Facebook. The Battle Continues Facebook is still a clear winner in our mind for audience targeting capabilities and visual ad content.

C Level Executive List

Advertisers were cautioned

The announcement of Discovery ads and Gallery.  After that, Ads has got us very excited about the new possibilities to improve display ad performance on.  Google network. We hoped to see more announcements about expansions in audience-targeting GN Lists capabilities in Google Ads. But it was clear from the presentation that data privacy has won the day (for now). Ad personalization is not the topic anyone is celebrating this year (thank you Cambridge Analytica & friends). Google’s new ad features seek to compete with Facebook’s dominance in visual ad formats Campaign. Level Conversion Optimization This is the new feature we are most excited about.

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