This is a bit technical so stay with me for a minute

All conversions in Google Ads were counted evenly across every campaign in an account. This made us very judicious about what we count as a conversion in Google Ads. Usually we only include actual leads and purchases as conversions in the accounts we manage to ensure we are always optimising for what is driving actual revenue. The downside to this is that some types of campaigns (YouTube, display ads) rarely lead directly to a lead or purchase. Best practice to optimize these campaigns is to use “micro-conversions” (or website actions that indicate a future interest in purchasing). The problem with micro-conversions is that they could only be applied to all campaigns or none.

The Google Marketing Live event

Now that we have the ability to assign conversions at the campaign-level. We can now optimise our campaigns that drive real ROI for only the conversion actions we select. By using micro-conversions, we can start to get a much better handle on VP IT Email Lists what top-of-funnel campaigns are driving real purchase interest, and which are not performing well. And, just so I don’t write a blog that doesn’t mention machine learning. This new feature will likely be critical in expanding the adoption of smart bidding. Conversion data is an essential component to many smart-bidding strategies.


C Level Executive List

With expanded capability

To use micro-conversions and control conversion attribution at the campaign level. We may start to see improved performance of some of the smart-bidding features we generally have not been that impressed with. Stay tuned on this one. *shameless GN Lists promotion that we have been asking our Google representatives for this feature for years now. Campaign-level attribution was a key announcement for advertisers at.  Google Marketing Live 2019 Privacy is the Word of the Day Perhaps not surprisingly given the trials and tribulations of.  Facebook in the last year, or Google’s own ongoing battle with the European Union.

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