Google held its annual Google Marketing Live keynote address

Where it announced many of the major new initiatives in the works for Google’s suite of paid advertising products. In total there were 12 major announcements of new products & services that will be available in the coming months. Google Marketing Live 2019 Highlights New Google Ads Product Announcements for 2019 Discovery Ads An entirely new campaign type that will allow advertisers to run image-based ads in Google feeds such as YouTube and news feeds on Android devices (Google Discovery) Gallery Ads A new ad format that will allow advertisers to show an image alongside text in search results.

Deep Linking in Apps for

Google Ads This new feature will ensure when users already have an app installed. They are directed to the app, not the website. Maximize Conversion Value A new smart-bidding strategy that allows advertisers to optimize for higher-value conversions, rather than more conversions Campaign-Level Conversion Optimization VP Risk Email Lists Conversions can now be assigned at the campaign level, allowing for more precise conversion optimization Bumper Machine A new tool that will allow advertisers to automatically generate 6 second bumper ads for YouTube by uploading existing video creative Merger of Custom Affinity and Custom Intent audiences.


C Level Executive List

New product announcements

Custom targeting will be merged into a single custom audience list.  That targets both affinity & intent Google Shopping.  A new hub where users can review products, watch videos. Connect to retailer websites or purchase directly through Google. Showcase Shopping Ads A new ad format available for shopping ads that allows advertisers to GN Lists incorporate more imagery. They will be eligible to display on both YouTube and the Google Discover feed. Shopping Campaigns with Partners Retailers can now connect brand partners within their campaigns Expansion of Local Campaign availability Until now local campaigns have not been available in Canada.

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