Why Ontario SEO is a great place to work

Workplace and Team Beyond all the great office activities and workplace programs we have in place, we work together as a collective, drawing on each other’s expertise to deliver data-driven results. Each member of our team plays an integral role in the success of our client’s projects, and we proudly celebrate client, company, and personal achievements together. Working in cross functional teams has been part of my career as an Account Manager for years. When you have a highly talented and reliable team that delivers time and time again, bigger obstacles or challenges become steppingstones on our way to success.

Collaborative and Supportive

Working with a team of experts gives my client’s peace of mind, knowing they have a wealth of professionals working to grow their business. Karah Blandford – Account Strategist Work-life Balance Agency life often comes with the Investors Email Lists assumption that you will work well after 5 pm each day without stepping away from your computer. We know that burnt out employees look like and actively work to avoid this through our company structure and retainer model. We encourage employees to speak up when they are feeling the pressure and often hire new employees to lessen the load, so when 5pm comes, we can all go home and enjoy our evenings.


C Level Executive List

Online and In-Person

Training and Conferences Digital marketing is forever evolving, so it’s essential to keep up with industry trends. Our team takes part in ongoing training and learning, such as sharing relevant blogs, attending lunch and learns, seminars, conferences GN Lists and webinars. We share new industry findings almost daily with each other so that we are all up to speed on the latest industry news and best-practices. As employees, we aren’t locked into a specific role or regimen which gives us the freedom to change and grow. Our roles and responsibilities are fluid as we discover our strengths and weaknesses, and as the needs of our clients change.

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