Video Marketing start using videos in your marketing strategy

What is video marketing? Video marketing is a technique that is based on the use of audiovisual content, in order to achieve different strategic objectives within a marketing plan or strategy, mainly on the Internet. There are other definitions. For example, that of Wikipedia, which focuses the main objective of this methodology on the promotion of a product or service. Although this version is also correct, today it falls far short. With video we can achieve many more strategic objectives than just promotion. When you integrate audiovisual content into your business or marketing plan you can achieve improvements in many aspects.

Increases information retention

Personal brand . SEO top people data Positioning . Number of clicks (CTR) in your email marketing campaigns . Page retention. Conversion ratio ( CRO ), etc. This is really a Wow effect. So, I ask myself the following question: How can I introduce video marketing into the strategy of my brand or company? It will depend, of course, on the resources we have to create your videos and publish them. Although, it is true that with the number of devices, tools and platforms available today, that creation is no longer a big problem.

 Boost your personal brand

But to discuss video marketing in GN Lists more depth, in this guest post we have Alberto Bernal, who at Visual Service creates great videos for companies, brands and professionals. I find it a very interesting topic, I hope you agree with me. I leave you now with the post that Alberto wrote. What is Video Marketing? #Videomarketing Video Marketing: why will it help you improve your SEO, brand and sales? Wouldn’t it be absurd to know a strategy that will increase your sales and not use it? Well that is exactly is happening.

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