Tag: Buy Business Database

The online reputation plan and the actions

Have we identified the most influential collaborators on social networks. The online reputation plan and the actions aimed at managing this collective. Therefore, asset are a sum of preventive activities and reactive tactics that seek to protect and increase the trust earned as individuals or a company. Within reactive tactics. there is a little used […]

What to do with negative comments on social

Your business correctly addresses negative comments on social networks. What to do with negative comments on social networks? We design a clear and effective action plan so that your business correctly addresses negative comments on social networks. Read this article » 5.do we periodically evangelize those involved about the correct use of social tools? Some […]

By the public if the complete context is not

Must be protected because they could be misinterpreted. By the public if the complete context is not available. Now we are not talking about hiding irregular or unethical behavior. Therefore, not at all; because if a company has this type of behavior. sooner or later it will be known and the crisis will be inevitable. […]

To the online reputation plan a simple

There are ways to protect yourself the simplest of all is to attach. To the online reputation plan a simple manual that brings together some of the good. Therefore, practices or respectful suggestions so that the individual use of social networks is correct. This manual is an excellent mechanism to overcome threats because through education […]

Strong foundations and clear procedures for taking advantage

To a series of basic questions in order to establish. Strong foundations and clear procedures for taking advantage of the positive. and preventing and managing the negative. The main questions are the following: 1. Do we have people working on preventing potential online reputation crises ? Most reputation crises – if not all – are […]