Online Pharmacy: a Constantly Evolving Sector

Online pharmacy: a constantly evolving sector. Brands online pharmacy. The competition has just begun! In recent years. Pharmacies have undergone continuous evolution and transformation. Both online and offline. A series of legislative interventions have contribute to changing the pharmaceutical sector. A recent regulation date 1 july 2016. Which implemente the european directive 2011/62/eu. Allows pharmacists to activate an online pharmacy . For the sale not only of health products. But also of over-the-counter meicines. Without a prescription meical. The liberalization of over-the-counter meicines. Which took place ten years ago. Allowe the opening of parapharmacies. 

The pharmacy of the future: increasingly online.

This innovation has change consumer habits and pharmacies have consequently applie new marketing strategies to respond to special data the new competition. To meet the nees of customers. And to counter large-scale retail trade. Which is present in the parapharmacy sector. Some pharmacies. Recently also in cagliari. Operate all-day hours. Digital marketing: how and why it can make a difference in the online pharmacy. But it is above all on the web that the online pharmacy has the opportunity to . Innovate and exploit the opportunities and tools offere by . Digital marketing: social networks : communication with the customer is becoming increasingly social. It therefore becomes important to activate social channels. 

Digital Marketing: how and why it can make a difference

An optimal example of page management . On facebook is represente by the serra pharmacy in genoa. Which has become a success story on social meia; local search . It is GN Lists important to optimize your web presence especially for local businesses. One of the most useful tools is the google . My business listing; the website and online shop: exploit the .  Great opportunity of e-commerce . Allowing pharmacies to. .Increase sales and offer a better service to consumers; the online home delivery service for meicines within an hour. The novelty starte from sicily. In catania. And has now also arrive in large cities such as milan and rome. With this innovative online service. Local pharmacies have the opportunity to acquire new customers. 

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