Guide to launch your first free Email Marketing campaign

Guide to launch, How to create an account in Mailrelay? This part is one of the easiest of all. Since creating a free account in Mailrelay does not require any complex or special information. You just have to give your name and an email. No credit card or other payment method is needed. In fact. Many users spend years using the free account with more than 75 thousand shipments without any problems. The first thing we will do is go to the Mailrelay website .

SPF in Mailrelay

Access Mailrelay Now email database and Create Your Account On that screen you will see a button that says  Create my account  and that is where you should click. My recomendation Guide to launch .You also have the option of obtaining the free account with 75,000 monthly email sendings. To do this, you must first follow them on Facebook. Twitter and We will do that later. Now we will focus on creating the account. After clicking on the button we will see the page to create the account itself: Form to Create Your Account in Mailrelay.

Desktop panel 

If we want, we can also leave the GN Lists phone as a contact method. Although it is optional. The confirmation email Once we send the form on this page. We will receive an email like this: Email To Confirm The Creation Of Our Account In Mailrelay We will have to click on the “ Activate your account ” button for our account to be permanently activated. While the account is being created. We will see a page like this: Registration Activation Message in Mailrelay It may take a while, so be patient. At the end the process will end and this window will refresh.

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