This implies that there is no particular

This implies Advantage to being present on all social mia platforms. but that a presence on one or two of the major platforms can provide almost all the reach ne. Meanwhile. online audio is becoming increasingly popular. with growing use of music streaming services and podcast listening. Furthermore. interest in metaverses is increasing. but at the moment users still seem to prefer the world of gaming. You might be interest in: “Is TikTok Ads also effective for B2B?” Italian panorama In Italy . almost 75% of the population is active on social mia.

Approaching 44 million people.

This implies This number appears to be constantly growing. after a slight decline record last year due africa email list   to a different data collection methodology. social mia trends The main reasons why Italians visit and participate in conversations on social mia are to search for information. maintain contact with friends and family and pass the time. all above 40%. Searching for inspiration on products and businesses to buy follows closely behind. The Meta group . with WhatsApp in first place. dominates the ranking of Italians’ favorite social platforms .

Follow by Facebook and Instagram.

This implies TikTok. despite its growing popularity. remains the fourth choice. even if it reverses position with Telegram. How do users discover brands? Word of mouth continues to be an important marketing tool. ranking third among the most reliable sources of information. However. in first place we find search engines   GN Lists . which have even surpass television. Furthermore. ads on social mia rank seventh in the top ten of users’ favorite information sources. Precisely for this reason. digital advertising is experiencing significant growth. with annual spending on digital ads reaching $5.9 billion.

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