The Internet’s Opportunity in Times of Crisis | eCommerce

Regardless of your opinion on COVID-19, or what is being reported in the media, the economic uncertainty caused by this – or any other crisis – should make you think about how you approach your business. We are no longer in a time of stasis: change happens quickly, it is volatile and we need to act at the right time.

Our daily lives and routines have

been greatly affected by the pandemic list of russia cell phone numbers outbreak. When we are feeling uncertain, or when businesses feel financially threatened, shopping or comparing goods and services are not always at the top of our priority list. What does this mean for you and your business? Well, let’s be honest, unless you re-evaluate your marketing strategy, your ability to grow and expand your business will likely stagnate. And that’s the best-case scenario. After all, many are closing their doors and filing for bankruptcy in these dark days.

Your biggest concern at this stage is probably keeping the boat afloat. But have you ever thought about being bolder? Is it not possible to go beyond a survival strategy? Even during this crisis, it is possible to grow. Yes, at Pixelinmotion we are fully aware that a turbulent economy can destroy opportunities and spread chaos. But let’s face it, after a fire the soil becomes more fertile. In other words, there are opportunities lurking. Depending on your course, some losses end up being inevitable. However, for many other entrepreneurs, the goal is to minimize damage and find ways to capitalize on opportunities .


When a simple walk down the street can pose a health risk,

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any business that has an open door will end up being weakened. But it is possible to take advantage of this new reality. No, we do not want you to exploit the most disadvantaged by selling essential goods at outrageous prices.

What we are talking about are strategic decisions that will strengthen your business. Even if the world tells you that you have to close your store doors, or keep them restricted with acrylics and protections, how about opening your online window? Or would you rather sit idly by, reduce activity and cut back on marketing? The online world is still booming and this crisis has only served to fuel it. Millions of people today turn to the internet to buy or sell products, to do business in the most diverse areas of business activity. Ecommerce – or electronic commerce – is healthy and we recommend it. Do you want to be left out while your competition appears on the screens of potential customers’ smartphones,

tablets and computers?

Pixelinmotion is here to help you your specific needs if Internet’s establish yourself in the online world. The opportunities are endless – as long as the strategy is right for your goals, of course. But we know how to do it. Imagine you wanted to build a house from scratch. Would you hand over the project to an unqualified architect with no proven track record? Only if you wanted to see it collapse as   guatemala lists soon as you opened the lock. Well, to have a strong and successful online presence, you need someone competent, experienced and with technical knowledge in the areas of web design and eCommerce .

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